[TutsPlus] Easier JavaScript With TypeScript


[TutsPlus] Easier JavaScript With TypeScript

JavaScript is more than 15 years old, and yet, the tools we have to make JavaScript-based development still pales in comparison to the tools of other languages—primarily statically-typed languages. What if I told you that you could write a dialect of JavaScript, use new features found in ECMAScript 6, have great IDE support, and run idiomatic JavaScript in the browser (or server)? Sounds good, right? Then give TypeScript a look. Please note: an understanding of the JavaScript language is assumed in this lesson.

We’ve built a comprehensive guide to help you learn JavaScript, whether you’re just getting started as a web developer or you want to explore more advanced topics:

  • Learn JavaScript: The Complete Guide

We’ve built a comprehensive guide to help you learn JS development online, whether you’re just getting started as a web developer or you want to explore more advanced topics such as using the newest frameworks or even building your own! This Learning Guide will help you:

  • Learn the fundamentals of the JavaScript language.
  • Get started coding for the web with jQuery.
  • Build websites and apps using front-end frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue.
  • Learn Node.js, and write JavaScript for the server.
  • Develop cross-platform mobile apps with Ionic and React Native.
  • Go further with JavaScript and keep your skills sharp.

Created by Jeremy McPeak
Last updated 2/2013

Size: 314.33 MB

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