[TeamTreeHouse] GitHub Basics


[TeamTreeHouse] GitHub Basics

139-minute Development Tools Course

About this Course

GitHub is a collaboration platform built on top of a distributed version control system called Git and is the best place to share & collaborate on code. In this course, you will learn how to use the key features of GitHub to showcase your coding projects, work with others, and get into Open Source. First, learn how to navigate the site and explore open source software. Then, learn how to host your own personal projects and some best practices for developing code collaboratively. You will also cover how to use GitHub as a professional on a team and how to get started contributing to open source.

What you’ll learn

  • Create a new repository
  • The different GitHub Tools
  • Working as an individual
  • Using GitHub on a team
  • GitHub Open Source

Hello, GitHub!
With over 11 million users and millions of projects, GitHub is quickly becoming the standard collaboration platform for software development. In this lesson you will learn why it’s so widely used, what it adds to Git, and how to get started participating in the world’s largest open source community. First, you will setup your profile & explore an open source project – also known as a repository. Then, you will learn how to use GitHub’s social networking features before creating your own repository.

Working By Yourself
While GitHub is known as a collaboration platform, there are several reasons why you would use it by yourself, including to practice using Git and as a code portfolio, which can be viewed by potential employers. In this stage, you will learn how to connect a local project with our newly created hosted repo. While you might not have anyone to collaborate with yet, you will practice the features and collaboration workflow – branching, pull requests, & fixing merge conflicts – that will create the foundation for working on a team or open source project later.

Working on a Team
Once you have mastered GitHub on your own, you will learn how to best collaborate as part of a team. Expanding on the skills you learned in the last lesson, you will learn how to use team mentions, build great pull requests, and install integrations. This stage will give you the confidence you need to use GitHub at work as part of a larger software development team.

Create a Web Presence on GitHub
One of the easiest ways to practice Git and GitHub is to host your own personal website or project website. With a personal site you can showcase your code portfolio and with a project site you can spin up a website to help promote your open source or side projects. In this lesson, you will learn how to push up HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, and have a published site within minutes using GitHub pages.

Get Involved in Open Source
Now that you’re comfortable with GitHub, let’s start giving back to the Open Source community. Much of the software we use day to day is Open Source. By contributing back to Open Source, we help keep those projects running and also gain valuable experience in new & different projects. You will learn how to fork an open source project, improve something within that project, and be a good citizen in the Open Source community on GitHub.

Created By Kyle Daigle &  Alyson La
Duration 139m

Size: 318.70 MB

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