[Skillshare] Introduction to Ansible for Network Engineers


[Skillshare] Introduction to Ansible for Network Engineers

Ansible Essentials for Network Engineers introduces you to Network Automation and Troubleshooting in a multi-technology environment (Cisco, Arista, Linux, GNS3).

This course is practical.  I will show you how you can quickly and easily start network programming by using GNS3, Cisco IOS, Linux and Ansible.

You will learn how you can use Ansible to troubleshoot networks!

In this course we’ll get the skills to get ahead!


  • Windows 10 (at least 8 GB RAM)
  • Install Ubuntu or other Debian based distribution in a VM (Virtual Box)
  • Install GNS3, set up and run Cisco IOU/IOS in GNS3

Who is the target audience?

  • System Administrators
  • Cloud Infrastructure Engineers
  • Network Engineers
  • Anyone who wants to learn to automate and troubleshoot networks

 Major topics of this course:

  • Installing Python and GNS3 on Windows 10.
  • Setup and running Cisco IOU in GNS3 on Windows 10
  • Installing Ansible
  • Ansible components
  • Ansible inventory file
  • Ansible Ad-Hoc Commands (command, shell, raw modules, setup, file, copy modules, apt & service modules)
  • YAML Files
  • Intro to Ansible Playbooks
  • Ansible Playbooks
  • Behavioral Inventory Parameters
  • Behavioral Inventory Parameters in Playbooks and Inventory Files
  • Ansible Playbooks: ios_config Module
  • Ansible Playbooks: ios_config Module parents Argument
  • Ansible Playbook: Backup running-config Using ios_config Module
  • Ansible Loops: Create Linux Users
  • Ansible Playbooks: Arista eos_config Module
  • Playbook with Multiple Plays for a Multivendor Topology (Cisco & Arista)
  • Ansible Vault

and more!

Hands-on Class Project

Projects are a great way to apply your knowledge and improve the skills you’ve just learned.

This hands-on course is project based. There are a few projects, one for each main section of the course.

I encourage you to share your final solution and progress with the class by uploading to the “Your Project” section. If you have any questions or need more tips, please let me know! I’m happy to help! 

Project #1:

Install Ubuntu in a VM and Ansible on the controller machine (Ubuntu, Linux Mint or CentOS).

Using an Ansible Ad-Hoc command run apt update && apt  dist-upgrade -y to fully update the Linux VM.

Write the command into a file and upload it to the project section.

Project #2:

Create an Ansible Ad-Hoc command to copy a file from the controller machine to the Linux VM.

Write the command into a file and upload it to the project section.

Project #3:

Install GNS3 and run Cisco IOU images inside GNS3 as explained in the class.

Create a Playbook to backup the configuration of a list of Cisco devices specified in the inventory file.

Upload the playbook to the project section.

Project #4

Using an Ansible Playbook and a Loop create some users on a list of Linux VM specified in the inventory file.

Upload the playbook to the project section.

Project #5

Secure the credentials used in the previous playbook using Ansible Vault.

Size: 893 MB

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