[Pluralsight] Integrating Connected IoT Microcontrollers with Amazon FreeRTOS


[Pluralsight] Integrating Connected IoT Microcontrollers with Amazon FreeRTOS

By Michael Heydt

This course will teach you the essentials needed to create applications using the Amazon FreeRTOS, including seamless interconnectivity with AWS IoT and other edge devices, as well as creating device shadows and performing over-the-air updates.


Ever thought, how can you write code for IoT microcontrollers and have them communicate with AWS and also other edge devices? In this course, Integrating Connected IoT Microcontrollers with Amazon FreeRTOS, you’ll learn how to build applications with Amazon FreeRTOS that can communicate with the cloud and other edge devices. First, you’ll discover how to configure Amazon FreeRTOS to communicate with AWS IoT. Next, you’ll explore how to write applications for FreeRTOS, including multitasking, inter-task messaging and synchronization, handling button presses, and reading data from sensors. Finally, you’ll learn about communications with AWS IoT using MQTT, how to create device shadows and identities with Amazon FreeRTOS, and perform over-the-air updates. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Amazon FreeRTOS needed to build cloud and edge connected IoT things.

About the author

Michael Heydt

Mike is a seasoned software developer, IT guy, cloud architect, IoT fanatic, and overall gadget hound. He is currently a freelance developer, DevOps engineer, author, trainer, and speaker.

Section Introduction Transcripts

Course Overview

Hi everyone. My name is Michael Heydt, and welcome to my course, Integrating Connected IoT Microcontrollers with Amazon FreeRTOS. I’ve run my own business named Seamless Thingies where I consult and perform training on topics such as the Internet of Things, cloud architecture, and software development. Connected IoT devices and edge computing are some of the hottest technologies today, and this course is going to touch on how you can utilize the open source Amazon FreeRTOS real-time operating system to develop FreeRTOS applications that communicate with AWS IoT and other Amazon edge devices. In this course, we’re going to start with downloading Amazon FreeRTOS and configuring it to talk to AWS IoT. Some of the major topics that we will cover include getting a hold of and configuring Amazon FreeRTOS, programming concurrent applications with FreeRTOS including inter-task communications, communications from FreeRTOS to AWS IoT and Amazon edge devices, and performing and monitoring over-the-air updates. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to build applications with FreeRTOS that leverage communications with AWS IoT and other edge devices. Before beginning the course, you should be familiar with Core AWS Services and also have a basic understanding of IoT principles. From here, you should feel comfortable diving into IoT-related services with courses on Advanced IoT Architectures and AWS Greengrass. I hope you’ll join me on this journey to learn how to implement connected IoT devices with the Integrated Connected Microcontrollers with Amazon FreeRTOS course here, at Pluralsight.

Course info

Level: Intermediate 
Updated: Jul 22, 2019 
Duration: 3h 22m

Size: 625.14 MB

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