[Code With Mitch] Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile


What is this course?

Learn how to use Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) to build both an Android client and an iOS client with a shared Kotlin codebase.

Shared Components
1. Ktor (Network Client)
2. SQL Delight (Caching Client)
3. Kotlinx.datetime
4. Kotlinx.serialization

Android Specific Components
1. Jetpack Compose
2. Jetpack Compose Navigation
– (Single activity, zero fragments)
3. Accompanist Coil
4. Hilt
– I decided to use AAC ViewModel because it gives so much state management stuff for free. Maybe in the future a shared viewmodel will be more practical. I’ll talk about this in detail in the course.
5. Compose-Only navigation system
– Single Activity, Zero Fragments

iOS Specific Components

Check out the code here: https://github.com/mitchtabian/Food2Fork-KMM

Size: 5.85 GB

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